Great Invocation is a world
prayer, translated
into almost 70 languages and dialects. It is an instrument of power
to aid the Plan of God find full expression on Earth. To use it is an
act of service to humanity and the Christ. It expresses certain central
truths which all people innately and normally accept:
That there exists a
basic intelligence to whom we give the name of God.
That there is a divine
evolutionary Plan in the universe � the motivating power of which is
That a great
individuality called by Christians the Christ � the World Teacher �
came to Earth and embodied that love so that we could understand
that love and intelligence are effects of the purpose, the will and
the Plan of God. Many religions believe in a World Teacher, knowing
him under such names as the Lord Maitreya, the Imam Mahdi, and the
The truth that only
through humanity itself can the divine Plan work out.
By means of invocation,
prayer and meditation divine energies can be released and brought into
activity. Men and women of goodwill of many faiths and nations can join
together in world service, bringing spiritual value and strength to a
troubled world. Men and women have the power, through focused, united
invocation, to affect world events. Knowledge of this fact,
scientifically applied, can be one of the great liberating factors
within humanity.
No one can use this Invocation or prayer for illumination and for love
without causing powerful changes in attitudes and life intention. As we
think in the heart, so are we.
Will you use this Invocation every day, with thought and dedication?
The effect of individual prayer and invocation for light and love can be
immeasurably increased when there is conscious recognition and
relationship in thought with all who use the Great Invocation daily.
Many people ask two friends to link up with them each day in the voicing
of this world prayer, so that a triangle of lighted relationship is
created. The strength of many dedicated individuals and small groups can
be focused through the use of this potent Invocation and a "network" of
light and love built around the globe
Suggestions for
1. Reflect for a few moments every day on the Invocation in an
effort to understand its deeper meanings. Then say the Great Invocation
with concentration and intention. As you do so, visualise God's Light
and Love and Will-to-Good entering the hearts and minds of people
2. If you wish to work
as a triangle unit, ask two friends to join with you. When using the
Invocation unite mentally with them and then visualise this triangle as
linked to the network formed by all others engaged in this world service.
The Great Invocation is not
exclusive to any particular religion, sect or group. It is distributed
as a service by World Goodwill. Additional copies of this leaflet, or
the Invocation printed on cards, may be had on request.
World Goodwill
120 Wall Street, 24th Floor, Nueva York, USA
3 Whitehall, Suite 54, Londres, SW1A 2EF, U.K.
1 rue de Varemb� 3e, C. Postale 31, 1211 Ginebra-20 Suiza
Abriendo espacios de
servicio para hombres y mujeres inteligentes y de buena voluntad
"Que la Humanidad constituya vuestro campo de servicio y
pueda decirse de ustedes que, conociendo los hechos
espirituales fueron parte din�mica de los mismos, que no
se diga que conoc�an estas cosas y no hicieron nada ni
se esforzaron por hacerlo. Tampoco permitanque
el tiempo se deslice cuando